I have to say that, at the end of a very busy six week period, I'm really pleased with what I've produced.
During that time I've learnt to do the basics of some of the following:
- modelling with Mud Roc and casting a face in plaster
- using Photoshop: blurring, superimposing, layering, colour matching, cutting and pasting...
- gold-leafing
- the composition of a painting
- mounting
- making contact sheets
- painting and removing the paint (and an important night of experimentation)
- painting on plaster with water colour and acrylic
- picking thorns off a rose bush without hurting yourself (tricky)
- drilling with a industrial drill. (NB: If you don't have three hands, turn the machine on before you start. Simple when someone more intelligent points it out to you!)
- and, most exciting of all, distressing a photograph to make it look like an old wall
It's interesting how much other influences I was exposed to during this period have also helped me. The Jo Whately exhibition at Lacock helped with the Psyche piece. Looking at Sue's Pinterest boards gave me the idea for the lace eyelashes. Jenny Saville influenced my original decision to try and paint the face in a series of tonal flesh colours. (And I must say that all that I do will probably continue to be influenced by things I hear on Radio 4 on a daily basis).
Today day began with deciding on the backgrounds for the faces. With my improved ability of Photoshop I realised that my attempt at cloning on the rose background just wasn't going to cut it. Sue suggested putting the rose on roses, which I thought was a great idea (although nothing like as good an idea as her distress the paper one!)
I particularly like the Psyche background as the butterfly wings also represent the fragility of life - and the chances of always taking it in positive directions. This is one reason why I wanted at least one wing painted on a rather more fragile looking paper.
Individually as well, I'm very pleased with the heads. Funnily enough, the weird Cow Face was most popular at college today. Unexpected but still oddly pleasing.
So, with their names below, the final pieces are:
Nude Lace Face
Cow Face
Optimist Versus Pessimist
Of the titles, the names are probably all pretty self explanatory, apart from Optimist Versus Pessimist. I did consider writing the Kahlil Gibran quote somewhere on the board, but it didn't feel right:
The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose
I love the quote and it means something to me. But overall I think I'd prefer people to look at each piece and come to their own conclusions about what they think they mean.
Do The Faces Have Meaning?
No, not really. The evolution of the piece was that I began by wanting to look (quite literally, what a surprise) at the face value of each face, embellished in different ways. After discussion with Chris I then began to think about doing something a bit more interesting. That was how the Psyche Face began.
Nude Lace was an accident, and for that reason I'm really pleased with it. I think it has the most artistic integrity as it's entirely original, evolved through a process of experimentation. And it was so exciting, seeing a flat photograph be transformed into something else entirely, through really simple methods. Aesthetically, I like it best as a whole piece as it has subtlety and charm.
The Optimist versus Pessimist work would probably have more meaning if I included the quote, as people could then think about which they saw first. But maybe they'll work out the meaning of the title anyway.
I was delighted to come across the word Vacuity in one of Duncan's discussions as I think it works perfectly for this piece. When I did it I was struck by how the application of the gold leaf made the face look really banal, and I like the additional inference of 'idolotry' which again links in with this piece.
(The word was in the Guardian in relation to Hirst's Pregnant Woman: 'Hirst's statue in Devon revives the ugly vacuities of art in the age of the dictators.')
And finally Cow Face, for which I have a real fondness. It's odd. It's slightly disturbing. But it's fun, quirky and it works.
Now I just need to see which face Annie likes best.
How To Distress A Photo to Represent an Old Wall
1. Make yourself a collage of different textures of paper.2. Stick your photograph over the top.
3. Paint watered down (very well watered down) white emulsion over the top.
4. Remove most of it with paper towel.
5. Get sandpaper and sand away at paper to reveal some of the layers beneath.
6. Get really irritated that you can't locate the piece of map you included as a tribute to Annie (she of the original face).
7. Jump up and down with glee at the thrillingness of what you've just created.
8. Wash your brush.
(NB: below was a work in progress. It looks much better now it's dried).
And so, another long day over...