Apart from it taking more than six hours to get back from London on Friday night, we had a fantastic trip. It is interesting that when you visit galleries with a project in mind, you do get so much inspiration.
Fits in the 'domestic' and 'food as unifier' angles of my project. Could I bottle things?
I loved the fact that these monumental landscapes were done on cardboard. Jerusalem would look great done like this.

This reminded me of my white palette idea |
This made me think of the 'suspension' (neither on land nor in the sky) quote
This made me think of the wall dividing the two communities. I like the way words have been scratched into the plaster.
I just liked this painting
This made me think of using organic materials, hessian, sacking etc to represent the new and the old
I loved the impasto effect of this work. (And I did think that I was glad that I'd done the painting project as I do understand a bit more about the techniques of what I see now).
These installations were interesting and made me think of how to show destroyed homes. (Although I was a bit embarrassed that I believe the story!)
This work made me think of how I don't want how I represent my messages to be strident: far softer, more domestic
This I thought was interesting in terms of the suspended between heaven and earth idea again
Below has nothing to do with my project but I just wanted to record what I felt was one of the most effecting evocations of a destroyed society ever. The photos were really shocking, the people having pretty much lost all essence of humanity.
I didn't much 'get' the Lichtenstein exhibition. I know it's about parody and irony, but it didn't really do it for me. However, this did give me the start of an idea which I will follow through. So that's good.
It was great seeing the actual hand-paintedness of his work, which always looks printed in books.
Again, this linked in with me thinking about natural textures.
And this gave me the idea of strapping an old suitcase to the front of a map or photo or something.
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